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Controlling Triglycerides to Drive Weight Loss Slash Heart Disease Risk

Written By Unknown on Friday, March 21, 2014 | 1:00 PM

(Article first published as Lowering Triglycerides Assists Weight Loss, Slashes Disease Risk on Technorati.)
Triglycerides are a type of blood fat which have evolved as an essential means of transporting and storing energy for use at times when food is scarce. This served us well during our evolutionary past when the next meal could be several days away. 

Today, high triglycerides are associated with increased risk for coronary artery disease, diabetes and can lead to obesity when not properly controlled. Naturally lowering triglycerides can reverse the damaging effects caused by decades of dietary abuse.

High Triglycerides Trigger Metabolic Dysfunction and Disease Risk
Our modern diet is laced with processed junk foods packed with excess sugar and ined carbohydrates which lead to large blood sugar spikes and ultimately to metabolic disorder. The body deals with high blood sugar levels by converting to triglycerides, and then into stored body fat. 

As this process continues over the course of a lifetime, systemic inflammation increases and the devastating effects of metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure and blood sugar, obesity and insulin resistance) dramatically increase the risk for heart disease and diabetes.

Increased Waistline and High Triglycerides Increase Risk of Heart Disease
Information published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that increased waist size and triglyceride levels were associated with the highest risk for coronary artery disease. While both factors were found to increase heart disease risk, the combination of the two significantly raised the likelihood of developing coronary artery disease. High triglycerides contribute to thickening of the arterial walls which greatly increases the incidence of stroke, heart attack and congestive heart failure.

Increased triglyceride levels are indicative of a metabolic fat disorder and are implicated in nearly two-thirds of all coronary heart disease cases. Until recently, high triglycerides have been largely ignored by many medical professionals because they don’t respond well to prescription drugs. Sadly, most physicians know that if dietary and lifestyle changes are needed to treat a condition, compliance by the patient will be minimal.

Diet and Natural Nutrients Effectively Treat High Triglycerides
Poor blood triglycerides are the result of poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption. To correct elevated triglyceride levels, a strict diet which eliminates all sugar, ined carbohydrates, starches and wheat based foods must be followed. These foods are rapidly converted to glucose in the blood, and excess sugar is quickly transformed into triglycerides which must be stored to prevent vascular damage.

In addition to controlling diet, regular exercise has been shown to lower triglycerides. Physical activity conditions the muscles to optimize blood sugar and lowers insulin resistance, effectively lowering the conversion to triglycerides. 

Natural Supplements Lower Triglyceride Levels
Natural nutrients including niacin and Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil have been shown to be effective at lowering elevated triglyceride levels. Niacin is a B-vitamin cofactor which is known to positively influence blood lipids, and moderate triglycerides. Omega-3 fats exert a powerful triglyceride lowering effect due to their ability to reduce chronic inflammation as well as improve insulin resistance. Natural supplements should be used to compliment your healthy diet and lifestyle changes.

Elevated triglycerides are strongly correlated with increased incidence of diabetes, coronary artery disease and the obesity epidemic. Changes to diet and lifestyle, along with targeted nutritional supplementation provide the best course of action to effectively prevent and treat diseases which are triggered by increased triglyceride levels.


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