The disease develops undetected over the course of decades due to a diet deficient in nutrients and antioxidants and lack of regular physical activity. You can ensure your risk of developing this devastating form of dementia is negated by taking appropriate dietary and lifestyle actions today.
Walking Protects the Brain from Cognitive Decline

The findings showed that greater amounts of physical activity were associated with greater brain volume. Individuals with demonstrated cognitive decline were able to maintain brain volume and slow cognitive decline. Healthy subjects needed to walk an average of six miles each week to maintain brain volume and significantly lower risk of developing dementia. The study author concluded that “walking can improve your brains resistance to the disease and reduce memory loss over time."
Poor Blood Sugar Regulation and Insulin Resistance Degrade Brain Health
The effects of blood sugar and insulin resistance are now implicated in the development of Alzheimer`s disease. The results of a Japanese study published in the journal Neurology showed that insulin resistance was particularly damaging to the brain structure and was involved in the formation of amyloid protein plaques. High blood sugar causes dysfunctional particles known as AGE`s (advanced glycation end products) that degrade the normally flexible structure of brain cells. Eliminating sugar and processed carbohydrates that cause AGE formation can improve cognitive function.
Low Vitamin E Levels Trigger Onset of Alzheimer`s Disease

Alzheimer`s disease presents after decades of an inactive lifestyle and diet deplete in essential nutrients and antioxidants that our brain requires to maintain optimal function. Those wishing to avoid this devastating affliction will stay physically active, ensure a natural diet that provides healthy antioxidants and avoid processed foods that lead to metabolic dysfunction. You can spare your memory and extend your healthy lifespan with simple lifestyle modifications.
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