If today people are more familiar with green tea as an antioxidant ingredients, then there are other alternatives to get useful antioxidants prevent cell destruction disebabkab free radicals. Perhaps not many people are too familiar with the mangosteen fruit (Garnicia Mangostana) as an antioxidant. However, exotic fruits often diuluki queen of fruit actually has a lot of antioxidants in the skin and the fruit. From the results of a study, a fruit native to Southeast Asia can produce xanthone, a substance that is formed from the isolated skin of the mangosteen fruit. Xanthones have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity.
Research on xanthone was started in 1970 and to date have found more than 40 different types of xanthone, such as alpha-mangostin and gamma mangostin believed to have the ability to prevent various diseases. Both types of xanthone can help stop inflammation (inflammation) by inhibiting the production of COX-2 enzyme that causes inflammation.
Other studies have shown that gamma-mangostin has anti-inflammatory effects are better than other anti-inflammatory drugs on the market. Xanthones this type can prevent various diseases caused by inflammation, such as arthritis and Alzheimers disease (diseases dysfunction is one of the brain).
Xanthones are also useful to prevent the growth of cancer cells and tumors. Even exceeds the antioxidant capability of vitamin C and E which is known as the most effective antioxidant.
The content of alpha-mangostin and gamma-maostin the mangosteen fruit also acts as an anti-bacterial. Alpha-magodtin also known as effective as good as antibiotics that are on the market as amphicillin and minocycline.
In addition, the content of stilbenes in the mangosteen fruit is also very useful as an antifungal.
A study in Singapore showed that the antioxidant properties of the mangosteen fruit is much more effective than the durian and rambutan.
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