Every pound of human fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories that can be used to perform strenuous physical activity a day. Here are some of the positive effects of fasting.
> Heal Quickly
Early days of fasting is the hardest phase. The body will expend a large amount of venom through the bloodstream, pores and other organs disposal. This is evident from the thickened lining and tongue are usually more smelling breath on the first day.
After fasting continued in the days afterward, enhanced body cleansing process. Useless body fat, toxins accumulate in the bodys cells to be issued. Diseased cells, dead cells, thickened mucus layer in the gut wall, blood flow wastes are removed through the liver, spleen, and kidneys.
The body will use vitamins and minerals essential to get rid of toxins and old tissues. When the bodys toxic burden is reduced, the efficiency of each cell increased. Thus speeding up the healing process and also save energy.
> More Energetic
Why do people feel more energetic after fasting? In addition, hunger fasting person is reduced compared to normal times.
Not many people know that the body requires substantial energy to digest food. Fasting resting the digestive system. So that the stored energy to heal and repair the bodys cells.
Energy will be used to wash and colon detoxification, blood, and cells heal the body from various diseases. Fasting boost immunity, improve physical and mental health and rejuvenate the body.
> Special Benefits
- Overcome addiction to caffeine, cigarettes, nicotine, drugs and alcohol.
- Fasting helps lower cholesterol levels.
- Fasting reduces digestive system disorders like constipation, bloating, and gastritis.
- Fasting with control in people with diabetes make lifestyle changes and diet that will improve their condition.
- Fasting increases mental alertness. Toxins are cleared of lymphatic system improves concentration and energy to do activities.
Thats the benefit of our fasting in Ramadan. Read also the benefits of fasting for cardiovascular health. may be useful ...
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