Benefits of Durian Fruit for Beauty
Beauty experts have said, there are three kinds of things that make your skin age. These factors are: aging due to internal factor, aging due to external factors, and aging due to hormonal factors.
The first and third factors are outside our control as human beings. But the aging due to external factors, can be prevented in several ways. One of them by taking advantage of durian fruit.

You can use the durian fruit as a face mask, or eat alone. Corresponding study of the dermatologist, the benefits of durian fruit was also effective to reduce wrinkles on the face, because flavonoids that can tighten skin and reduce dark circles in the eye.
You want to use it as a mask, and apply enough durian fruit flesh on your face and your eyes before going to bed. In addition to using the durian fruit, Balance your life as well with regular exercise and lots of vitamin E.
Use the durian flesh when you shower and rinse thoroughly. After bathing, you will see the difference. Not only the dead skin cells are lost, but also your skin will look more toned.
Tips on Choosing Durian Fruit
You should be more careful if you want to buy durian fruit, because now many outstanding we usually injection durian. That is durian fruit that has been injected with certain sweeteners before sale.
By the time you buy it, do not hesitate to ask the seller split the durian you want to buy, and do not hesitate also to taste it. Make sure your choice durian skin is yellow brown, yellow flesh and taste sweet and fragrant aroma.
You need to be vigilant with the durian fruit is green, and pale yellow flesh color tend to be white. Although the meat in taste sweet, this is durian fruit is still young and has been forced to be mature additives.
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