I like this article about 5 easy healthy breakfast ideas for weight loss.
"Eating breakfast every morning is very important when you want to lose weight. Eating regularly and getting enough of the nutrients your body needs will help you get your metabolism to be working at its highest level. Having a good metabolic rate will make it much easier for you to burn calories and lose weight quickly. By eating a healthy morning meal and exercising regularly you will see better results than if you do not eat breakfast at all.The most difficult thing for many people is finding time in the morning to prepare and make food. Between hectic schedules, getting ready for work or school, and doing other tasks many people feel like they do not have time to cook or even sit down to eat. With these easy ideas below though youll be surprised how little time youll need to start your day off right.
Omelet: You can make an omelet in just a minute in the microwave with your favorite pre-cut vegetables such as spinach and peppers and top with shredded cheese. Serve with a glass of skim milk and a piece of whole grain toast.
Protein Shake: There are many different flavors and varieties of protein shakes available. Make sure you choose one that does not have added sugar and enjoy one while on the go. Enjoy it with dry granola or oatmeal for a surprisingly filling and easy breakfast.
Hard Boiled Egg: You can make a hard boiled eggs the night before to eat in the morning or save for lunch later on. Enjoy it with plain yogurt paired with your favorite fruit and a piece of whole grain toast.
Yogurt and Granola: Plain yogurt served with granola, nuts, and fruit can be a quick fix when you simply dont have time for anything else. A glass of V8 or other vegetable juice can give you an added boost of energy.
Cottage Cheese and Cereal: Low fat cottage cheese topped with your favorite healthy cereal and fruits can be very filling and satisfying.
There are many other wonderful things you can try. Choosing low fat foods, whole grains, and making sure each meal includes a source of protein and fruit or vegetable you can plan your own healthy breakfast ideas."
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