How to Detoxify Your Body at Home Naturally
What is Body detox ?
Body detox is a process that attempts in eliminating excess toxins from human body, the toxins that cause negativity effects on the overall health and functioning of the body. Before you start a program to detox your body at home you need to understand what are the substances that gives you a reason to go for a home body detox.
What are Toxins?
Toxin is a poisonous substance that can affect our body negatively and also lead to the malfunction of organs. Toxins are mostly understood as poisonous substances that are contained in the chemicals present in our food, water and environment, they are very hazardous if they come in contact and react with, or are absorbed by body tissues. They are produced by almost all living organisms, plants and human beings and micro organisms like bacteria, fungus, algae etc. However they are not harmful to the organism they are produced by but they are extremely harmful to the human beings.
How do toxins enter our body?
These toxins can enter our body through various mediums like:
Food: synthetic additives and preservatives used in our food products, herbicides and pesticides used agricultural process.

Water: toxins also enter our body through contaminated water and also through chemicals used in water.
There are other mediums also like prescription drugs, vaccines and household paints, varnishes etc.
All these are called external toxins and they enter our body while we eat, drink or inhale.
Apart from the external toxins our body also produces toxins for e.g. As the by product of normal metabolism process.
Thus both natural and manmade things have toxins and whether it is internal or external they are harmful.
Process of eliminating toxins from body:
The process of removing toxins or flushing toxins out of our body is called detoxification. In normal conditions our body eliminates toxins through perspiration, feces, exhalation and urine. Thus in the process of detoxification our liver and kidneys play a very important role. When the normal process of toxin elimination is hampered due to any reason the toxins starts reacting with body tissues and cause various health ailments ranging from mild to fatal.
Intake of toxins through various mediums kind of overload and then comes the time when we need to use another methods to detoxify our body i.e. when the intake or presence of toxins exceeds the amount of toxins our body eliminates, we require to undergo a body detoxification process which is done through various methods. The most common body detoxification method is raw juice diet and fasting.
Thus we should try to avoid and limit the use of synthetic and chemical based products. Try and use natural and organic products as much as possible drink 8-10 glasses of water daily and maintain personal hygiene.
How to detoxify the body at home?
There are various programs offered to detoxify the body. A body detoxification program aims towards eliminating the harmful effects of toxins from the bodyWhat a Body Detox program should do?
A body detox program should be able to stimulate the organs involved in waste removal system like liver and kidney.
It should boost the body metabolism.
Cleanse the body and drive away all the toxins present in our body.
How to do body detox at home?
- Alteration in diet: though it is difficult to choose the best detox diet but it is the first and most important step towards a successful body detox.
- Increase physical activity: Doing physical activity will make the body perspire which is a way of eliminating toxins through skin. You can also take sauna bath to sweat.
- Increase fiber intake by choosing fiber rich food in diet.
- Drink a lot of water.
- Always eat organically grown food.
- Try to avoid excessive exposure to the environmental toxins, if you find it inevitable than you should start regulary detoxifying your body at home.
- Enjoy the pleasure of sauna bath : Sauna helps to bring out toxins from the body through the skin.
Lemon Detox Diet Recipe
Lemon detox is very simple and easy to make at home: simply mix equal parts of fresh lemon juice and maple syrup (perably organic ), you can sore his concentration in cool place.
Dilute 4 tsp in a glass of water, add a 1/4 of pinch of Cayenne pepper and drink this atleast 5-6 glasses a day. Drink in uniform interval, remember that you should not drink the entire quota for the day at once.
Lemon detox is very popular among the celebrities. Beyonce the singing sensation also claims that she finds lemon detox diet to be a very effective option for body detoxification.
you can buy a complete package of lemon detox diet to get best results.
Detoxifying your body at home is as good as you would do it using some body detox program. If you have self control and discipline your detox diet will definitely succeed, if not you can always take help from professional dietitian and nutritionist.
Apple Detox Diet at home
Apple are packed with properties that helps in keeping your body fit and healthy.
A simple apple detox diet includes only apples.
Just buy lots of organic apples and store them. Apple diet should be done for a minimum period of 3 days.
Also Read : Apple health benefits
All you need to do is just replace your meals (all the meals) with apple. Eat fresh organic apples for breakfast lunch and dinner. Drink plenty of water when you are on apple detox diet.
Apple should be consumed along with he skin because the skin contains high concenraion of antioxidants..
Detoxifying your body at home is as good as you would do it using some body detox program. If you have self control and discipline your detox diet will definitely succeed, if not you can always take help from professional dietitian and nutritionist.
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