I did not used to really trust that God was looking out for me. I know better now. He has looked out for my finances, and my safety, and my health, and He has blessed me. I am thankful for all He has done for me and all He has given me. We plant, but God gives the increase!!
I used to do the stuff that gradually allowed me to put on weight. Now I do the stuff that gradually takes weight off of me, and strengthens my body and my soul. I can actually see myself getting smaller in width and am liking the very real possibilities of this. I actually had a thought today that began with, "When I get to 299." Praise the Lord!!
Day by day. Choice by choice. Experiment by experiment I am not only learning but living in a different direction. Who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks? God has given me a new destination. Thank you, Lord!
I think the best part of this new direction is that I am no longer doomed to obesity. It used to be an albatross around my neck that I could not get rid of. It is so odd that doing something different has given me a different view point. I had not realized that "actions speak louder than words" could mean a new direction for my life. Taking the actions has given me new hope. I always thought you had to have hope to take action. But that was wrong. It is the action that gives you hope. Amen!! Actions always produce results of some kind, and new actions produce new results that can give you new ideas and new destinations. Right actions matter.
As I drove down the road today I noticed a young heavy set woman walking across a grassy yard with a toddler by the hand. I thought about my reaction to the scene before me and realized that I had not judged the young woman for being over weight. It simply had not happened. She was alive and taking care of the little one. I immediately felt a connection with her and empathy for her. She reminded me of times in my own life when I had done similar things. The word "pretty" never entered in. It just really did not matter. In fact it was some how relevant to maturity that the superficial had fallen unnoticed out of the picture. Pretty had become irrelevant. Im glad!
Im not sure I can convey what the difference was, but there was definitely a difference in how I "related" to her. She was young. She was normal. She had a moderately large belly. She appeared healthy and she was simply walking along with the little one as he looked all around himself at the scene before him. She guided him and protected him. She was a lovely life and picture of womanhood. She was responsible and walking towards whatever goal or destination she had in mind. She mattered. The child mattered. Nothing else mattered.
Later, when I realized Im living in a new direction, I thought about how Paul, the Apostle, always kept his eye on the prize of the upward call of life in Jesus Christ. It seems that that is part of what made him able to accomplish all that he did for Christ and in Christ. He kept his eyes on Christ.
I thought about the words that I had written on a post-it and stuck to the edge of my monitor that say: "Keep your goals in front of you. Sometimes to reach goals you have to do very difficult things." I heard that as I watched an episode of the TV show "Heavy" as one of the trainers talked to one of the participants and I wanted to remember them because they are relevant to me. I get it.
My Pastor always air hugs me and tells me he loves me. Every time I go to church. It does not matter that he says that to everyone -- when he says it to me, my heart is always touched. I want to start giving back by pointing out something from his preaching that touches me. Im usually too rushed, too shy, and too tongue-tied to say anything more than "thank you." (It is always easier for me to write than to do unprepared or spontaneous speaking. Im horrible at toasts.)
It may sound weird but I think that one of the main things that has been keeping me on track -- and allowing me to get back on track when I fall off -- is the daily journaling about what I eat and the exercise that I do -- or dont do. That written record keeps it real for me. I love my charts because they remind me what to look at.
I read recently about a study that proved that even if a dieter has no specific goal in mind, if they keep a daily diary of what they are eating, they are more successful at weight loss.
It works for me.
For what it is worth... Just wanted to record these thoughts and share them with you.
Be back soon,
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