In Ramadan we will be able to control our minds from all the bad things that usually, consciously or unconsciously into our daily habits.
In various occasions to meet with various life issues, fitting in this holy month we are able to more positive thinking will all sorts of conditions that occur. Exercising patience with the ways of controlling anger is one therapy that is often thought echoed in speeches Ramadan. Besides in order not to break the fast, practice patience certainly have a higher purpose which is to achieve an inner balance.
The man who balanced his inner will not be easily affected by either praise or insult. They will remain calm in a variety of conditions and not easily provoked by unfavorable conditions though. Although a month is not enough to achieve this, the month of Ramadan can be a milestone in the commencement exercises of mind which could be developed despite the fasting month is over.
Fasting Behavior Training
In the science of psychiatry, cognitive therapy or mind is usually not independent of behavioral therapy. Experts believe that the change of mindset will also change the behavior. When the paradigm well, then the pattern will also follow good behavior.
We often see people who run fast becoming more diligent in running both the compulsory teaching of religion and the Sunnah. Opportunity to visit the mosque is also maximized. Prayer is also increased in the presence of tarawih prayer. Muslims are also becoming more comfortable reading the holy book Quran. Even some of my small survey in bookstores, in the month of Ramadan was increasing sales of Islamic religious books and prayer tools.
All this because of the encouragement of mind to do something useful and beneficial in this holy month. In addition, also thought that this act will bring the rewards and blessings are manifold makes people become more eager to implement this good behavior.
Fasting a Good Start
We believe all that no man is perfect. But learn to become better over time is something that is very possible. Ramadan fasting in this case provides an opportunity to learn thoughts and behaviors to lead to something better in the future.
Muslims and others can learn that the opportunity to train the mind it will always come as long as we live. Ramadan is actually just a reminder that we remain focused and able to perform the exercises. Actually, the exercises themselves should be done every day and throughout life.
Just do the exercise during the fasting month in fact did not have a good effect for the long term. Exercise your mind and it requires a continuity of behavior that continues to be maintained from time to time. Ups and downs in training the mind and behavior is not something to worry about. The important thing is we are able to get up and try again.
Hopefully fasting this year, became a golden opportunity for us to continue to train our thoughts and behavior. Happy fasting pilgrimage, may we all be able to become a better person at the end of Ramadan later. Regards Healthy Life
by: Dr.Andri, SpKJ *
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