Have low blood pressure can be dangerous to health as it makes the body weak even to fainting. For that to know what are the things that can make blood pressure drop that can damage the health of the body.
Blood pressure is measured is divided into 2 systolic (the pressure is read over when the heart contracts) and diastolic (the pressure brought down when the heart relaxes muscles). Normal blood pressure should have a value of 120/80.
If a person has a blood pressure of 90/60 or less then he had low blood pressure or hypotension. There are a few things that can make blood pressure to be low, as quoted from MayoClinic, Monday (8/8/2011), namely:
1. Dehydration
Dehydration occurs when the amount of fluid in the body is reduced and not replaced by other fluids. The symptoms are dry mouth, low blood pressure, rapid heart rate and decreased urine volume. Reduced the amount of fluid in the body also influence blood pressure values, hence one of the ways to raise the blood pressure is to consume water.
2. Eat
If after eating symptoms such as dizziness and weakness then the condition is known as postprandial hypotension (low blood pressure after eating). The digestive process requires a lot of blood flow which makes the heart have to pump more efficiently again.
This condition increases the risk of postprandial hypotension, including taking high blood pressure medication before eating. To overcome reduce high blood pressure medication doses before meals and eating a low-carb snack.
3. Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction to a potentially life-threatening. Symptoms of anaphylaxis can involve the respiratory system (difficulty breathing), gastrointestinal (nausea and vomiting) and the cardiovascular system with a rapid pulse and low blood pressure.
4. Wake up with a rush
Low blood pressure can occur when a person should get up or stand up in a hurry or artostatik called hypotension. This condition occurs because the force of gravity causes blood to pool in the legs, resulting in only a slight blood circulation back to the heart thus causing low blood pressure.
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