Chemotherapy is often used to fight cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. But because chemotherapy drugs also affect non-cancerous cells in the body of another, the drugs can cause side effects such as vomiting and nausea, hair loss, changes in the bone marrow, and injury to the mouth and throat.
Researchers found that fasting has a property such as mild chemotherapy. When fasting combined with chemotherapy, the effect could be extraordinary.
In 2010, Valter Longo of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles with his partner saw 10 cancer patients who are fasting. He found that the patient is experiencing side effects of chemotherapy that is lighter.
The new study, published in Science Translational Medicine, Longo and his team injected mice with breast cancer, skin cancer, brain tumors and ovarian tumors were found in children. These animals are not fed for two to three days and were given only drinking water.
Even when not given chemotherapy, fasting slows the growth of breast cancer, skin cancer, brain tumors and tumors in mice. In some cases, simply by fasting alone has the same efficacy as brief chemotherapy. Fasting prolongs survival of mice injected human ovarian cancer cells.
"Fasting is bad for cancer cells," said Longo as reported myhealthnewsdaily.com.
Improving the health of the mice looked very fast if fasting combined with chemotherapy. Overall, the spread of cancer is reduced by 40% when chemotherapy is combined with fasting.
"When fasting, cancer cells are being starved because they do not get the nutrients needed to grow and multiply. Under starvation conditions, the normal cells stop dividing, but the cancer cells continue to multiply to become weaker and die because of drug- chemotherapy drugs, "said William Saunders, an expert in oncology at the University of Pittsburgh who was not involved in the study.
But Longo emphasized that more research is needed to ensure the effectiveness of fasting to chemotherapy treatment. He also confirmed that fasting should not be an option for all patients.
"If a patient has lost a lot of weight due to cancer or its treatment, fasting can actually make the condition worse," said Longo.
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